@rkfaberdds if you’re content with AQ, you might stick with it. Chasing Cardas Golden Reference is a bit more of a task, as its not made new any more. I bought two pairs of the last run over a year ago from PcX, and while it was pretty good, i do prefer Cardas Clear and Cardas Clear Reflection more, but its more costly.
Ive owned a few sets of decent AQs that sort of held there own with some of the lower line Cardas, fwtw. Also if you dig in, ask an AQ rep where they source their (upper line) copper conductor from, wink wink. IF you are truly looking to "tame" high frequency, ime stay away from cheap silver or silver plated OCC copper which can lead you in the other direction. It can have a tendency to create added fatigue and glare (if) your Titanium tweeters truly are "too much" now. By chance If you are handy, rather than playing the addictive cable trial and error merry-go-round, just for grins you can also try a 1ohm or 2ohm resistor test on your Ti tweeter on one speaker, use the balance control R/L and compare back and forth.This will at least give you some ideas to try to help keep cost down. Best of Luck.