Other members have already provided details on each bullet point, and there is nothing that I can really add that hasn’t already been said. I will add to the discussion, however, that I would not trade, sell, or give up my MC-225 built in 1963 for anything (unless someone offered me $1,000,000 -- then I could buy a couple more 😂).
I believe your question really needs to be divided into two sections: Thoughts on McIntosh tube gear vs McIntosh Solid State gear. And even with that division, you could further break it down into VINTAGE tube gear vs RECENT tube gear. At least to my ears, McIntosh tube gear from the 1960 -- 1990 sounds better than their newer gear. Maybe it is confirmation bias. Me wanting the gear of my youth to sound better. I don’t know. But it just does to me.
I would absolutely recommend McIntosh gear. In the history of Hi Fi equipment, you would be hard pressed to find a brand that has held its resale value like McIntosh. For pete's sake, vintage amps are now selling for thousands of dollars more than they sold for new decades ago.