Which Vintage CD Player To Use As A Transport?

I need a bargain CD player. Emphasis on bargain. One possibility is buying a cheap Schiit DAC and a vintage player to use as a transport. $100 or so for something described as “bulletproof.” Two questions:

—Is this a good idea?

—Which brand/model/year would be a good choice for a transport? 

Many thanks. 


I am using a Rotel CD 591 that was gifted to me. Using the Digital coax to a Cambridge Audio CXA 81 internal DAC. It's a bullet proof transport. I do use the internal DAC of the Rotel on the very few HDCD's that I have. I have also had positive experiences using used, lower end NAD CD players as transports. They sound excellent until they ultimately expire from faulty file reading circuits. Also count on burned out displays.

An Onkyo C7030 makes for a nice transport.  Several years back they were selling  for under $200 on Amazon.  I paid $173 with a four year extended warranty. Under light use it's still working fine over six years later.  Perhaps you can find a used one for $100. The C7030 is a very nice sounding CD player that also works well as a CD transport.  It has both optical and coaxial outputs.  



Is this a good idea? Compared to what? Not feeding your children for a week because you spent food money on an expensive component?

What are your goals and budget? It’s easier to help if that is clear 

Another inexpensive way to get a transport is to connect an Optical disc reader, such (range from $30-$90) by usb to a PC, then connect the PC to your DAC.  I did that for a few weeks when my transport was being repaired.

+Pioneer Elite line is good but the PD-65 has become collectible and pricey now. The following Elite models are still very affordable.

Pioneer Elite DV-37 (24/96)

Pioneer Elite DV-47a (24/192; SACD capable)

Pioneer Elite DV-59avi (Bur Brown; bit rate?; SACD capable)

If you have external DAC, the bit rate support does not matter...

In addition, Pioneer Elite DV-05 was appraised by Stereophile (https://www.stereophile.com/features/151/index.html) but I found the transport itself is noisy although sound is quite good.