Thanks for your kindness ...
I just want to precise that i am fooled by the usual biases as anyone is...But in a bit less powerful way than for most people...😊
Because i picked a set of new biases more powerful than the traditional one in audio which are : publicity, price tags, esthetics...
My new set of biases is the three working set of controls, mechanical and electrical and especially acoustics...
Then even if i can be fooled by my old biases the same as all people biases, the new one act as knowledge act on "black cat" superstition... A doctor can have this fear of black cat inherited from childhood, but after his training knowledge the superstition even if it subsist in his unconscious, has less power because of the new set of conscious biases : medical science...
Biases are inherited as the result of habit and conditioning, but some can be the results of training and created by our new practice...
Audio is grounded first and last in psychoacoustics not on price tags, esthetic, or gear design... But we must learn how to put this set of biases at the place of the other set of biases...
no, no, no! my apologies. I know English is not your first language, so that was a little cryptic (unclear) on my part. The joke was really an homage to your ability not to get fooled by bias. It’s a wonderful, powerful strength.