Several things come to mind here:
Very good tips on sound isolation/absorption. Keep in mind that powerful low frequency sound waves are very long and can penetrate feet (yes, FEET) of sound absorption. But,every bit helps.
If you love your Kivas, rolling off the bass via tone controls/EQ will accomplish the same goals as a bookshelf speaker in bass reduction without changing speakers. Yes, you will not get the performance you paid for, but you'll get 90+ percent of it.
Using a meter to measure sound in your neighbor's space may get you technically, and legally(?) there, but sound pollution is a 'thing" and it's not cool. Your neighbors have made an investment in their spaces and desire a living environment that is theirs -- not yours. A rule of thumb: if your neighbors can hear your system, it's too loud. Sorry to be heavy-handed here, but I have first-hand experience with this on the "receiving" end. Simple reading, polite conversation, and enjoying one's own personal music is compromised.