Dog pissed on speaker

Any suggestions for how to remove dog piss from speaker, including on paper cone? Klipsch Heresy IV. It still has faint smell, and if I can still smell it must be strong to the dog. Dog has stopped peeing there but I’m still concerned he might again, driven by the smell. And if I get rid of the speakers, who would buy it?


@thecarpathian , the post about not living in a dogs bathroom means train your dog so that it knows better than to piss in your house. For me, people that have pets that are allowed to grow up like a weed are pets I don't want to be around. Not only did our dogs never piss in the house, they also never pissed on anything in the flower beds or garden, nor the car wheels.

I had a dog who successively ate two pairs of Etymotic research in ear 'phones.

Sympathy to the OP.

I had cats that used the exposed spines of my record collection as a scratching post. Bad kittys! Poor album covers!

I think the 12" drivers might be somewhat inexpensive, especially if you don't buy them from Klipsch.