Tube-aholics Anonymous?

Is there a support group or 12-step program for audiophiles who have sworn off tubes but find themselves constantly tempted to go, as it were, back on the bottle?

I owned lots of tube gear in my reckless youth. I built the Dyna Stereo 70 and PAS3 at least twice. Later, I tried Conrad-Johnson and Quicksilver power amps. In an attempt to get off the wagon, I tried any number of tubed preamps (CJ, Quicksilver, Melos, Audio Research, Cary, Eastern Electric…) driving solid state power amps. I even tried a trendy tube integrated (the Primaluna Prologue).

At some point, I realized that rather than listening to music, I was fiddling with bias adjustments, listening for undue hiss or microphonics, obsessing over some obscure and overpriced NOS valve proclaimed as the Holy Grail of audio, or (based on hard experience) worrying that a tube would fail and take out the speakers.

I decided to kick the habit. I picked up a Naim Nait 5i a couple of years ago. I like the amp. I enjoy the music. There is nothing to adjust. It plays music reliably, fuss-free. I should be happy, right?

But every now and then I scan the Audiogon ads and come across some cool pics of hot valves, and the siren song lures me back. Oh, help me to resist…

You guys who are still out there knocking back the tubes, please don’t tell me what I’m missing. I just need the strength to stay solid – solid-state, that is.

Oh sure. You guys can say you have found solid state amps that could possibly make you happy. You know in your heart of hearts that you could really have the sound you know you want. Only a few clicks away. I personally just gave up on solid state. I don't change tubes every year or even every two years. The life like presents that performers have when I listen to tubes (good tubes) can't be replicated.
On the down side I can turn the lights down pretty low and still see well enough to find the remote. Is that a negative?
audiopile would condemn me on this thread if I don't tell everyone that i am a dealer. I know what you are thinking, "he is so biased he has no right to even be on this thread." And of course you are right.
Tvad "Last year, I found a solid state alternative that has made me quite happy".

May I ask what solid state alternative you found? I am constantly nit-picking over my tube gear and I have to admit that, in the last few years, I have entertained the idea of finding no fuss solid state pieces that adequately bridge the gap between tube and ss. Presently, my tube preamp is having some work done and so I am listening directly through my Wadia cd player preamp section into my amp and it sounds pretty darn good...and that has got me thinking again!
SS amps are Hondas (or Acuras); tube amps are BMW 2002s (or Jags). Whenever I drove my Accord, all I could think about was how great my old green 2002 was. When my 2002 broke down in West-by-God-Virginia, all I could think about was how nice it must be to drive one of those indefatigable Hondas. I've since gone to tubes (on top) and am looking for a 2002. Terrible beauty.
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The Naim gear is JUST PLAIN BORING, relentless, electronic sounding, and lifeless. No wonder you want some tubes!

Other than that its fine.