Turntable prices. Is my mind going?

Stereophiles Recommended components offerings at $300,000 Plus!  And weights of many hundreds of pounds? Is quality now by the pound? Audiphools exist- just like Saquatch.


If you can afford a $300,000 turntable good luck now you need a $125,000 cart.Whatever....but I hope you have $100,000 cables or at least $25,000...

In 2006, I had already owned a highly modified SME IV ($1100 in 1989) and wanted to upgrade from my VPI 19-4 (bought in 1982/all upgrades after).  So, I purchased a VPI TNT (upgraded platter).  It REQUIRED a Townshend Sesimic SInk due to terrible vibration problems.  I've gone through about a dozen cartridges in 35 years.  Three friends and I own Dynavectors on very different TTs.  I went with a $1100 20X2L in a high end system (now VS VR9 SE Mk2, Poseidon Pre/DAC, etc).  It isn't just the TT and arm, it's matching it with the cartridge, then the phono stage (MM or MC).  I have fantastic analog sound despite it not being SOTA.  With 28,500 LPs (7,000 78s now played on the 19-4), I need a cartridge that plays most if not all of my LPs quietly (so many purchased used) and beautifully.  

Sure, my SOTA TT would be a full blown Kronos or Ars Machincae (or Conti last Basis).  I don't have to have them to greatly enjoy records.   

Start at high quality, used TTs that have flooded the market.  I like the SME arm because it is less sensitive to VTA after setup, durable and usable in a wide range of cartridges.  The simple VPI like Scouts are a great table with their own arm.  For $3K, this including my cartridge, high output is wonderful sounding.  


  Wow. What a cluster of a thread. Firstly, no one called anyone here "poor and ignorant". The poster merely drew a parallel between two imaginary people to make the point that perspective alters personal truth. And the number of people who dismiss things they can't afford is astounding. And no, a $5000 TT does not get into the 95th percentile of a $300,000 TT, if both are designed and built properly. The "diminishing returns" theory is common, but false in my experience. How do you calculate the "10x better" of a properly set up $100,000 system compared to a $10,000 system? 

  I have heard some very pricey stereo systems, properly set up, that sounded far and away "better" than what can be assembled for appreciably less. Were they 10x better? 5x? 50X? Lacking a way to quantify the difference leaves comparisons meaningless. What that difference is "worth" is even more subjective than the measure of improvement. If I had the money I wouldn't hesitate to drop $1m on a system. There would likely be a Ferrari on the shopping list, too. Would I then be a fool? And would I care about the opinions of a minority of random internet sages who extol the virtues of having less money? Nahhh, I wouldn't.

  Enjoy what you have and enjoy pride of ownership and the result of your efforts. Denigrating others for the same would seem to be the foolish part, but that's just me.

The "diminishing returns" theory is common, but false in my experience. How do you calculate the "10x better" of a properly set up $100,000 system compared to a $10,000 system?

the "diminishing returns" zone , because it is more a zone than a point is not a theory but a problem...

The point is a zone oscillating between two factors: a subjective psychoacoustics factors of evaluation and an objective refinement design factor of evaluation ...

it is clear if we understand the factors at play that this zone of evaluation exist ....

Then a 300,000 dollars turntable is an interesting design experiment but in no way an interesting piece of gear to own....

the reason is not only the zone problem of evaluation between money invested and acoustic experience real or virtual returns, but the reason is that a multimillions system is not a MODEL for audiophile...Nor the solution in general "per se" to our S.Q. problems and experience...

I dont bash high end gear saying this evident fact...😊

For almost every audiophiles the diminishing returns problem exist ...

Not for Bill gates who may call it a theory unfounded for him....Bill gates does not need to learn basic acoustics with homemade devices as i did he call the best acoustician in the world . He does not even need to study medecine he buy the WHO problem solved. 😊

I dont live on the same planet ...

A 300,000 turntable is a technological feat asking for an acoustic room of many million dollars and for an amplifier and speakers of stratosopheric price... It is an experiment in acoustic design not the model we can imitate ...

And as i said acoustics rule audiophile experience not gear price tags....

This does not means that gear price tags had no real acoustic  potential added value nor any  improving quality meaning...For sure they are....

 At the end , an audiophile who  study basic acoustic in my opinion is less ignorant than one who bought 45 amplifiers but never experiment with acoustics ( it is not only room acoustic) ...

Gear choices and price matter for synergy and improvement but it is for nothing if we dont know how to install and embed a system in his mechanical,electrical and acoustical basic working dimensions...

The rules of acoustics dont change with the gear price tag... Is it not common sense ?
