Are You A Disciplined Audiophile?

The issue of whether break-in is real aside for now, when you make a change in your system, such as a new component or cable, do you have the discipline to wait before making any other changes?  I usually mark my calendar for a month and perhaps 2 months and try to change nothing else for that period of time so I can better assess exactly what the new thing is doing. But sometimes it’s difficult to wait. IMO, break in is a real thing, both in the component and the listener, but even if you don’t believe components and cables change after a few days, can you wait at least a month to listen to enough music to adjust your ears to what the new thing brings to the system on its own?  


Wow there are many more ignorant people on this forum that I thought!

I have made some very good buys on things 2 weeks old that the owner

gave up on. My Pass Labs INT 25 was a good example.

Shunyata developed their own system for burning in cables

because people are impatient and give up too soon. 

Post removed 

"What an ignorant"! Thought the Roman officer speaking to Archimedes distracted by geometry and killing him because he was not afraid and not "there" where he thought any intelligent person must be in front of a Roman officer...😊

Such goes the world...

Stop calling people ignorant and bought a mirror ...

By the way i am not Archimedes and no one here is, but it is a parable about who is ignorant and who is not .... 😊

Someone new on a forum who dare to call everyone or most of them ignorants is certainly not a light illuminating the world ...

But you are welcome indeed ... You are not hypocrites and for that i welcome you without reservation ...

I like people who speak their mind... Especially if they could think with arguments...


Enlighten us with your knowledge ...

We cannot wait ... 😊 We need it for sure as any good forum ...


@noromance +1

Thankfully it's easier to change threads than equipment.

More than 10,000 posts and you should be kicked off this site.