Live Vibe Audio

It's time for me to purchase a new audio rack. Unfortunately I don't have the opportunity to hear one in my system prior to purchase. Does anyone have first hand experience with Live Vibe Audio racks? If so, please share your experience. 


@ricred1 - I only have experience with their audio points, which by the way, really worked in my system. My expectations were low, after having tried a few other products, but the audio points made a noticeable improvement. 

I am now also intrigued by their racks. If you do end up getting one, please report back. 

Thanks for the response. I'll post an update if I purchase them. It's between Live Vibe Audio and Solidsteel audio racks. 

I’ve been an owner of two Sistrum racks with 3 platforms on each for about 8 years now. I may also be the only one to have RTS couplers clamping each component to its platform. Just setting a component on a Sistrum platform will immediately make it sound better in all ways than most other racks. The RTS couplers in addition cause almost the same amount of improvement as the Sistrum rack. They also don’t allow the component to tip if leaned on because of the 3 points it sits on with the Sistrum platform only supporting it. Audio Horizon makes the couplers now. The combination of the two things is very nice looking and allows one to locate the rack(s) between the speakers as long as they are also mostly behind them at the same time. The Sistrums don’t have a location problem like Jim Smith mentions in his book. Their is so much space for air and vibrations to travel without getting trapped by the back of a typical rack. The technology that has a quick draining of vibrations to the ground is another great reason for the superior SQ.

I had Robert Maicks cut my longer rods that hold the platforms in two so that it would sit lower, and thus be even less likely to affect the sound in a detrimental way. It also makes the rack more stable. I love these racks, the look, and the sound that results from their use. I use them for my 120 lb. Lenco TT, Modwright 5400 CD player, TRL DUDE 75 lb. preamp, phono preamp, and my mono amps. It all sounds fantastic.  There are 8 tubes in use also.


Buying Live Vibe racks for all my components was one of the best audio decisions I've made. I have it under my heavy amp as well as separate racks with audio points for other components. I was not a believer at first, but let me tell you, the improvement in SQ is not subtle. The level of clarity, image depth, and solidity was almost immediately apparent after I started using Live Vibe stuff. Highly recommended! You can see the racks and platform in my virtual system.