The general question of the new paradigm which had changed science in the last years since Turing , Marvin Minsky and Kurzweil, from materialism to techno-cultism and transhumanism is this one : will we change man to became a tool for A.I. or go on with the human genomic and biological integrity as superior ?
A.I. is not a tool like printing machine was, A.I. is like the fire and more impactful on the long term than fire ; it will change our body and society on a scale which will exceed the discovery of fire impact...
I had decided that human are superior for reasons i will not discuss here, then i trust my ears to decide which cable satisfy me ...
I could not repeat Rodman reasons nor the others opinion here . This is mine rooted in acoustic basic training. I also know that the difference cables make are minor compared to the set of acoustics factors huge impact by modidfication of the acoustic parameters of the gear or and of the room and of the listener ..