If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?

Yeah you may need an absorption panel if your room is completely open, ie. No rug or furniture, ie just lonely single chair. But if your system can't cut it in any room then it's a system problem and you should be able to discern a good system regardless of the room.  Unless you put it on the roof of your apartment building but the Beatles seemed to have survived that effort

I think people go nuts with all this absorption acoustical room treatment stuff and it looks kind of awful.  Once in a while you see a really cool looking diffuser panel and I would definitely want one. But to have a system that works really well without any of the acoustical panel distractions is a wonderful thing.


Simply because room isn't recording studio unless you fully dedicate it to listening.

I doubt that vast majority here has dedicated listening room.

I doubt that vast majority here has dedicated listening room.


This is why i did not study acoustics basic before owing one...

This is why most people dont really experiment with acoustics...

This is why they think the opposite of truth that the greater the price tags the better the sound..

This is why they dont understand with their ears/brain in real time  how and why acoustics parameters shape our sound perception ..

This is why they ignore that the costlier part of any TOP system is the room acoustics...

This is why they stay victims of gear marketting practices and reviewers ...

This is why they are consumers not creative and passive believing audio is a "taste" for some pieces of gear ...

This is why.... I will stop here ... 😊


@djcxxx i know that the room makes a huge difference.  It’s easier to get it when the room is great and treated.  But if you can’t you can still have great sound.