Knowing the very positive impression PC Triple C wire has had when used by myself and a growing number of converts to the wire type.
I can only suggest a time is taken to look at the Acoustic Revive PC Triple C USB Cable.
If this Cable Type is selected, and makes the impression I know other PC Triple C usage has had. There will be monies left to swap out some other Cables for those produced using the PC Triple C wire as well.
The use of the wire type transforms systems, it has speedily put OCC wire out of use in certain systems it has been introduced to.
Where systems are now fully populated with the PC Triple C, being used as Umbilical, Speaker Cable, Power Cable, and Internal Wiring in Phono Amp, Pre Amp , Power Amp and as Speakers Internal Wire. It is now even to be found used as Tonearm Internal wiring. The impact it has enforces others to be completely bonkers about where to use it next.
I am hoping Transformer Windings and Cartridge Coils are one day produced from it, as was these same items using OCC wire.