To me, performance would seem far more important for the marketing opp. Lose that and forfeit any real purpose to one’s expo/show investment. “Yes, YES, ‘Yesterday’ sounded sublime in room xyz; too bad I’ve been fatigued of the song for the past two decades plus of audio shows…” being a likely overheard befuddlement among said flesh boulders tumbleweeding by. If @rvpiano ’s thread on music vs. sound is indicative of the lot of 2Ch nutso’s, I suspect many transients (not the sort mastered by a sufficient power supply) won’t be much corralled by music they don’t feel (in an SEL sense, not to be mistaken for SPL; you know which rooms you are…).
Of course not everyone can hear their fav tunes. One more reason the prowess of a well-posited veto from a frontman could always be marauding on tap. “Sorry, I don’t demo music by those who cost us Napster…”
Sorry not sorry if my musing isn’t clear. Sorry very sorry if your music isn’t clear. I’m too busy trying to craft a banana-infused eggplant split after @asvjerry ’s Smith music video link to do better at the moment.
It’s a pathetic excuse. I know.
Esp. with bananas being low-hanging fruit.