Audiophilism is a hobby

This post grew out of another discussion on music vs. sound. According to a poll taken in that discussion, it is clear most A’goners claim they listen to their rigs primarily for the music. Although I don’t doubt the truth of that, I maintain that much of the listening is as a hobby, with music being a very important component. I’m not saying we can’t be profoundly moved by the music but rather that a lot of our enjoyment comes from the sheer sound emitted from our speakers. Great music is of course a vital part of the experience, but with all the manipulations we do with our systems, we  are fascinated by the idea of sound in itself as a hobby.



I agree with the process and it taking decades. I am happy to hear you have reached what makes you happy. I can almost hear it. But that is not my cup of tea. That is the great thing about our pursuit, there are flavors for everyone.

So, what is your system? There is place to put photos and ID your equipment. 

I do agree with the idea of accepting the SQ of a recording for what it is. As long as it conveys a significant musical message, that’s OK by me. Every record can’t deliver a sound commensurate with the best our system has to offer.

The music and the sound itself satisfies the mind by stimulating as many neurons as possible. The more perfect the information, the more perfect the satisfaction. 

@engineears - thanks for your lovely post : ) - I’d just like to say, that to many, the journey and the end are one and the ever evolving same - that every part of being simply lost in the music; the search for that transparency and realism of which you speak; the mistakes and leaps of improvements; the point at which one finally says they have finally arrived, before discovering an entirely new level of realism, dynamics and timbre - are all rolled into a single profound trip of change that never ends. I’ve found for myself that it’s never one or the other at any step of the way, but that the process itself is a series of beginnings and endings, of arrivals and fresh departures. It would be awful to have my journey come to any kind of end! : )


in friendship - kevin

If a hobby doesn’t matter and is something just done for fun, not a necessity, then everyone here could give up their stereo, go back to a clock radio and be happy?

Or maybe we should all just sit around a camp fire and sing songs. I'll bring the marshmallows, haha.