Best DAC’S $5k to $15k

I have Chord Mscaler and TT2 and it’s very good. I’ve been considering the DAVE. Any recommendations? 


Absolutely, listen to the Mola Mola. It is the most perfect sounding DAC I have had in my system, but not the most musical, IMO, and so I sold mine.

Your speaker is not musical. You sold the wrong item.

Re the Ayre QX- 5 Twenty: I owed and enjoyed this unit for a few years and

enjoyed it. My Mojo Audio DAC left the Ayre in the dust.


Bricasti Design by a country mile. Nobody’s build quality comes remotely close to Bricasti. Their amps are also killer.

@adasdad I’ve decided to keep TT2/ Mscaler. Dave would be the upgrade, but I’ve splurged on cables Shunyata Sigma USB from Auralic G2.2 to Mscaler. Then dual Shunyata BNC Sigma V.2 s/pidif to TT2.

@axeis1 there is something else you could investigate and do before changing out your DAC also, If you weren't aware of this already: PGGB I have posts by some with Dave who love it, which is the DAC this software was written for; I'm sure it would appeal to those with TT2 also.