SACD playback the DAC

Any one help me out, How to connect SACD playback through DAC? Is there any DAC has this input? Specially am looking
for Benchmark or Cambridge Digimagic,whether any one using this DAC'S for SACD playback. Thanking you in advance for your feedback.
There are at least two DAC's that can support SACD's, but they are high-priced. One is the Meitner. Can't remember the other, offhand.
Adding to Ncarv's post, the EMM Labs (Meitner) DAC has a proprietary interface that can only be used with the EMM Labs transport. Another company with its own proprietary interface is dCS, its DACS will decode an SACD signal but only through a proprietary link with their transports, and I believe Accuphase also had such a link on at least its early SACD transport/DAC combinations. I have heard of the HDMI links, but don't know much about them--if he's looking, maybe Kal (Kr4) can help on that. The Benchmark and Cambridge DACs you mention will not decode an SACD signal, only a pcm signal.
There are 3 brands of player that will output SACD (as DSD or PCM) via HDMI: Oppo, Pioneer, Sony.

There are several brands of AVR and pre/pro that will accept SACD (as DSD or PCM) over HDMI.

I know of no stand-alone DACs that will handle DSD via HDMI.

Rabbani - the essential problem here was that Sony was completely paranoid about digital domain copying of SACD's. the result was the license to make SACD players required the builder to not offer a SACD digi out unless it was through a proprietary non-standard interface - both mechanically and probably electrically.The inability to go to a higher quality DAC probably had something to do with the effective demise of this format.
Denon offered a few relatively expensive Multi-format DVD players that connected via a proprietary cable to some pretty expensive surround sound receivers in the digital domain. These receivers did have pre-outs so you could use them as pre/processors.I asked a Denon rep about what models offered this capability - he rattled off the model numbers and then said "And who cares?". Far as he was concerned - this is a dead issue.If you decide to do this - make sure you check software revisions- there have been several to this interconnection scheme.
Based on past history where it seems about every thirty years or so - we would have a successful technological upgrade to widely distributed recorded sound - we're due for something to replace the Redbook CD ? Unfortunately it looks like both DVD-A and SACD join a long list of dead end audio formats.
There are 2 more DAC's that will playback SACD... The Playback Designs MPS-5 and the Digital Audio Denmark AX24.