What gear do you want to demo?

What component would you deeply want to demo? Why?

My demo wish list:

T+A Solitaire S540 speaker
line array sounds like the clarity of panel speaker but with the weight of a box speaker 

PS Audio Aspen FR30 speaker
first ground up designed speaker from PS Audio. Although PS Audio markets quality components, I do not own any.  But I’m a big fan of Paul’s generous advice and videos.  

Aries-Cerat Aurora speaker
unique looking attractive speaker with innovative bass loading

Living Voice Vox Olympian Horn - it's wood (maybe sounds more warm/organic), it's a horn, and it consistently gets good reviews at the Munich High End audio shows.

ENIGMAcoustics Sopranino supertweeter
Fyne Audio SupaTrax supertweeter
similar to a properly installed subwoofers which extend the range AND helps fill in ranges already covered by the loudspeakers, the supertweeter supposedly does it on the treble side (extend and fill in)

Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver - both Voxative and Pure Audio Project speaker offer the Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver as an optional upgrade, but it's an additional ~$9.5(yow).  The reviews leads me to believe that this field core driver is sonically "significantly" superior above other choices.  

ALLNIC T-2000 30th Anniversary Stereo Integrated 
ALLNIC is a favored brand at WBF by BONZO, who is into cutting edge horns and tube gear.  Because I like variety and want to try and maybe buy good tube gear, this amp has 2 sonic options- 120wpc/60wpcSET which would drive my 89db speakers.


Whats your list and why?


@jond ​An original Kondo Ongaku is something I'd love to hear.

No you wouldn't. I've owned 3 and while they are a bit bloated in the lower registers ....are not accurate and are very warm and earthy sounding. Not my cup of coffee.

(Dealer disclaimer)​​​​​​