DAC with the best midrange ever.....

Please keep this topic straight to the question and try not to go off tangent. I am very specific with this need.
Most musical and melodic dac, I DONT LIKE the new benchmark dac even with all the rave out there that much but I liked the Musical Fidelity A324 dac.
The Audio Aero Capitol was nice but I prefered the SONY SCD1 even though its much older. I am a huge analog fan...
This should give you an idea as to what I am actually trying to find if you have had any of the mentioned units.
"time after time, the tube line stage is the make or break link in the system when it comes to capturing midrange textures, harmonic overtones, ambiance, etc."

Swirching the Audio Research sp 16 into my system has convinced me of this finally as well.

The mhdt DAC and ARC pre are absolutely fabulous together! Digital in my system improved significantly along the lines Jafox relates with these two and I feel my system as a whole now gives up little if anything to some the best systems I have auditioned out there.

Phono is improved as well but not as much...it was already pretty good to start with prior..