Sometimes you just get lucky

Back in the day, as CDs were all the "perfect sound forever" rage, my young daughters were in need of their first bicycles.  Having just bought our first house, money was pretty tight.  So, I looked at my collection of a little over 400 LPs -- classic rock, progressive rock, and jazz, mostly, and all in great shape -- that weren't getting much attention just then and decided to sell them at a local record store for some bike-buying cash.  The clerk sniffed at me and declared that he would only give me $20 for the lot.  At that point, I knew that bicycles would require a Plan B (which happened) and that I should probably hold onto the collection (which also happened).  Fast forward to today, and my record collection is 3-4x the size it was back then and includes a fair share of rare items, MFOMR, One-Steps, UHQRs, box sets, etc.  But those original albums remain some of my most cherished.  And I constantly thank the "Great DJ in the Sky" that the clerk that day didn't make a reasonable offer.  I wonder if any of you have had similar experiences?

Happy Listening,





No problem, It's a good thing to remark about things particularly meaningful.

Let's not forget John Lennon's quest for spirituality, so the fact that a tie with his self-image, which I wore with intent, caused an action which effected the restoration of my ability to enjoy his  music.



You reminded me of my wet LP story.

I lucked out by my friend's divorce!

He told me there were about 50 jazz lp's in the basement of his house that the wife would not let him near. "You can have them if she will give them to you".

I go, she likes me, tells me I can have them, but there had been a water leak over where he had left them. She just left them there molding.

I had zero money, wanted to learn about Jazz, so I lugged the soggy moldy things home. Scrubbed the LP's with sponge and liquid dish detergent, put in the dishwasher rack to dry, did the best I could with the covers, and proceeded to get a free introduction to Jazz.


For some reason, I never bought the hype of CDs when they were introduced.  I always felt with my Rega Planar 3 turntable that records sounded better.  So, although I bought a ton of CDs, I kept all my records.  Today, on my good vinyl rig they still sound great.


Let's not forget John Lennon's quest for spirituality

Ironically, that seemed to have ended with his song titled "God". . . but then, disillusionment is often part of the process. . . 

God is a Concept by which we measure our pain
I'll say it again
God is a Concept by which we measure our pain

I don't believe in magic
I don't believe in I-ching
I don't believe in Bible
I don't believe in Tarot
I don't believe in Hitler
I don't believe in Jesus
I don't believe in Kennedy
I don't believe in Buddha
I don't believe in Mantra
I don't believe in Gita
I don't believe in Yoga
I don't believe in Kings
I don't believe in Elvis
I don't believe in Zimmerman
I don't believe in Beatles

I just believe in me, Yoko and me, and that's reality

The dream is over
What can I say?
The dream is over
I was the dreamweaver
But now I'm reborn
I was the walrus
But now I'm John
And so, dear friends,
You'll just have to carry on
The dream is over