More good thoughts -- appreciated.
I think the setup was fine. Didn't use a SET amp but it was a decent match to what I have.
Volti Lucera -- I had forgotten about that option. Thank you!
Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?
Looking for efficient speakers. I had the opportunity to listen to a Cornwall IV yesterday. It was run on nice tubes (Primaluna 400 EL34s) with a bluesound node streamer/dac.
QUESTION: I'm curious if anyone has compared CW IV with Volti Rival of Razz. Thoughts?
QUESTION 2: Anyone know what changed in the Volti Razz when it moved from v. 2 to v. 3?
I found the CW4 to be a little darker than the Forte 4. Lived with both. The CW4 plays a bit bigger and is more dynamic. The Forte seems a little more detailed and lifelike.
I've not heard the Volti. Probably a little better in all regards especially as you move up and pay the premiums. It's all worth it if you can go for it. |
@eoj4952 @macg19 P.S. It's hard to continue looking at Klipsch given these comments on the Volti site, which I am taking at face value, despite the fact that they are coming from the Volti owner. Others have testified to his no nonsense honesty, so when he says things like this, I really hesitate about Klipsch (at least about the Forte; I don't know if these comments also apply to CWIV): |