Sonus Faber Question

I spent (wasted?) a lot of time switching amplifiers in and out of my system, never quite achieving the sound I was chasing. There were a lot of sideways moves. Then I purchased a demo pair of Sonus Faber Sonetto III's. After playing these through my system I finally feel I'm headed in the right direction. This speaker sound signature is the type of sound I've been seeking out. However, I get the feeling these speakers are really just scratching the surface of what Sonus Faber can offer. Unfortunately, I'm not independently wealthy. So the question is what speaker would you recommend as the next appreciable step up to capture more of the Sonus Faber essence / what should I expect to have to pay on the used market to get there? Thanks in advance!  


Current Equipment:

Sonus Faber Sonetto III's

HiFi Rose RS250A

Denafrips Pontus II 12th

Rega P6, Neo PSU w/ Hana low MC

Rega Phono Pre

PrimaLuna Evo 300 Integrated

Kimber Cable Cables, Interconnects, Etc.


I am a fan of Sonus Faber for the same reason you are. I am on my third set. I started with used Cremona -> Olympica 3 -> Amati Traditional. Very good question. I think you will find Olympica 3  a very large jump up. The Olympica 3 has been replaced by the Olympica Nova so that should put some downward pressure on used Olympica 3. I would imagine you could get a pair for ~$8K. This would be very substantial improvement in sound.

Awesome thank you for that response just the kind of information garnered from experience I was hoping for. I'm going to check those out greatly appreciated! 


+1 @ghdprentice who knows SF speakers very well. After speakers upgrade, likely next sonic move is to upgrade your electronics (integrated). So assuming you take @ghdprentice speaker update advice, after breakin and extended listening, if you still want improvement then reach out again with your current thoughts and which direction you’d like to go.

Hey Ken thanks for that feedback. I definitely agree amplification upgrades will be on the horizon after the speakers - I certainly will reach out again to learn more about those options moving forward. Appreciate it!      

Big fan of Sonus Faber.   From their modestly priced speakers all the way up the chain they deserve a great amp.   

I just gave my brother my Concertos and he is loving them.   My Dad has a pair of Elector Amatar  III and they are pretty amazing  for their size.   

Do they even make a bad speaker ?   I don't think so....   

I often take ghdprentice's advice with respect to upgrades and such.   He is usually spot on with advice.   His best advice I've taken, avoid lateral moves.   It's good advice that has made me save a little more, wait a little longer, maybe buy used ....  but rarely have buyer's remorse.