Interconnect priority

Theoretically, which interconnect should be most effective in increasing a systems fidelity?

DAC to PreAmp


PreAmp to Amp




When I used Transparent Audio cables a few years ago, their hierarchy was source to pre most important, then speaker cables, then pre to amp...

Closest to source usually means lowest signal level. That's what matters in analog. 

Yes, most likely what folks say above. But it is dependent on the exact components. The good thing is they are most likely the same interconnects, so you can switch them and verify on your system. Unless of course, you have your components out of the way and amp in between your speakers (probably usually the best way)… then your preamp - amp is a really long connection.

If your equipment is between your speakers, consider moving it before you invest in the preamp - amp interconnect.

Thanks everyone.  I have Shunyata sigma v2 XLR between DAC>Pre & AQ WEL between Pre>Amp.  Though great before, the Sound is remarkably better than when I had Cardas clear light between DAC & Pre .