Qobuz Connect working Beta demonstration....yay!

As I'm sure many Qobuz users have, I received an email from Qobuz yesterday, linking to a video demonstrating their upcoming Qobuz Connect function. This will be most welcome; something that's been long awaited and requested.

Looking forward to it 👍


I found the qobuz native ap better than some but much inferior to roon. so that is what I use.


Some people prefer the streaming company's own app; it's interface, playlist creation/saved playlists, recommendations algorithm etc. 

Manic Moose is in it’s own special circle of Hell

I actually don't dislike it. It's stable. But it's obviously due for a refresh.

I actually don't dislike it. It's stable. But it's obviously due for a refresh.

Bryston working on it now but its way behind schedule. It also works across all their BDP series even if its been discontinued like the Pi. 


 The current version has the best sounding Radio Paradise app i have ever heard.