Ebay selling my missing amplifier

8 months ago I sent an amplifier to europe for upgrades. The amp went missing and there were investigations that went unresolved. I happened to be searching on ebay and noticed the amp and when I magnified it Bingo the serial number was same. It is an ebay seller store that is listing it. Ebay has not yet responded after several attempts. What next?



The items were insured. The UPs claims are unresolved. Meaning no money was reimbursed to either of us. Thought that was a given.  The point of the post is about Ebay selling missing/ stolen goods.  


The UPs claims are unresolved. Meaning no money was reimbursed to either of us. Thought that was a given.

I agree with you, it was a given.  Not sure why anyone would have thought otherwise.



Now that we have some data, you should have your attorney contact the appropriate people at UPS. It isnt your responsibility to track down/retrieve the goods. Since you have an open claim, you only need to prove that they most likely sold your goods to the third party. Threaten to file suit in your home venue for the full amount asserting theft by UPS. At what amount did your insure? 8 months is along time for an open claim. You are more patient than I.

Sheesh, why are so many audiophiliacs such low life's? People stay out of trouble by minding their own business,


It is extremely rare for FedEx or UPS to lose a shipment like this -- especially if was insured.


here’s the way it works. If you ship something and say have $1,000 insurance from Fedex and then they lose it, they pay off. 

Total BS. No it is not, and no they do not.