exactly. and I’ve not once accused you of making yourself “look utterly foolish”, because that’s a personal attack. I certainly disagree with you, but I don’t insult your intelligence or suggest your posts are “pointless.” We simply disagree. I think you honestly believe what you think, just as I do. (Reminds me of a great management aphorism though: “Don’t always believe what you think.”)
Anyway, let’s see if you can be a little more civil. I’ll break down my statements in a format that’s easier for you to react to. Why don’t you tell me, by #, which ones you disagree with, and then we can have an actual, potentially constructive conversation. (Remember, you’re not allowed to assume a statement not in evidence.)
Statement #1: Measurements can provide insight into what we hear.
Statement #2: Measurements can’t possibly do full justice to what we hear in the analog realm, including DACs.
Statenent #3: Streamers don’t matter if they meet certain basic engineering requirements, which can be measured.
Statement #4: With respect to noise, measurements provide more accurate insight than subjective listening tests, particularly for gear where the only known differences are noise.
I’m pretty sure we agree violently on #1 and #2, but I wouldn’t want to assume anything. Looking forward to your (civil) response.