Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano


Do you include yourself as one of the “dogmatists on this forum” from your  definition?



nope.  just take a look at my first post on this thread, where I said:

“Here’s a link to a recent thread where competing perspectives on this issue are discussed:“

recent streamer

I didn’t suggest to you that the alternate view to mine was stupid, incoherent or wrong.  Instead, I pointed you to a thread where both sides of the question were explored.  So I’m really having a tough time understanding your hostility to me,  But hey, knock yourself out.  

@mdalton  You very sadly can’t hear differences between streamers, and that’s a non starter and makes any further discussion with you on the topic pointless because you simply can’t understand what you can’t hear.  So you and the four other people here who likewise think streamers don’t make a difference can just go on thinking that, and you can just keep rocking that iFi Zen Stream and Pro-Ject Stream Box believing that’s as good as it gets and good for you.  The other 98% of us will enjoy exploring and enjoying better streamers and better sound while you go on believing we’re all kidding ourselves.  Ya gotta kinda wonder about the lopsided difference in personal experience there, don’t ya?  Or does that just somehow not compute in your mental equation?  I’d like to think that if I ever found myself in the extreme minority here on some topic that I’d have the self awareness and humility to consider that maybe — just maybe — my compass was off, but you be you.  Regardless, I’m done banging my head against some mad bugger’s wall.  Peace out. 

Rvpiano is notorious for being hostile, mdalton. 
I would strongly advise to keep away from any forum he’s part of. You never know what other methods he’ll come up with to offend you. He may even like his new streamer when it arrives, which would be simply terrible. 

@rvpiano Thank you for your post! I appreciate the opportunity to follow your journey, yours always have an excellent outcome whether you keep the gear or send it back.
I’m not sure why some are so emotionally invested in how you spend your hard earned money. I hope it doesn’t dissuade you from continuing to share your journey.