The Oppo BDP-83, while listening to the same cd of course; initially I had to turn the volume down, it had more power out than my C5xe. Some of the mids sounded equal to the C5xe but overall the bass was (to me) more defined as well as the highs.
The music seemed more separated from the speakers also.
He showed me the modded the power input, a Super Clock4, and
Audio Consulting output transformers, which were balanced outputs in this set-up.
I was surprised and a little disappointed that it (overall) out performed my reference Ayre C5xe.
I will mod my Oppo BDP-83 but with the Ultra clock instead. I was informed that the video quality will also be improved.
I'm like Photon46, it's counter intuitive to mod such a platform. If I didn't here it for myself I would be in doubt too. I have to trust my ears on this one.