Modwright vs EVS vs RAM vs ASI-Tek, OPPO BDP83

I recently bought a OPPO BDP83 BluRay player and the performance is very surprising for the $$. I'm interested in getting a MOD for the 2-channel audio. I understand ModWright, EVS, RAM and ASI-Tek offers mods ... can anyone offer recommendations? ... comparisons between them?

I have a ModWright Transporter and is satisfied with the performance ... I understand EVS also offers a Transporter MOD, has anyone compare it to the ModWright?


How much was required in mod for the Oppo to beat your Ayre C5xe?


Tennisamp, I'd like to find out more about how the modded Oppo sounded next to the C5xe.
I'm sure many will disagree with me, but I just can't see pumping the kind of
money these mods cost into a cheap platform like the Oppos. It seems
analogous to the kids driving around in beater Dodge Colts with $3k wheels and
tires and $5k stereos. Maybe the Oppos are built better than I think, but it still
seems weird.
The Oppo BDP-83, while listening to the same cd of course; initially I had to turn the volume down, it had more power out than my C5xe. Some of the mids sounded equal to the C5xe but overall the bass was (to me) more defined as well as the highs.
The music seemed more separated from the speakers also.
He showed me the modded the power input, a Super Clock4, and
Audio Consulting output transformers, which were balanced outputs in this set-up.
I was surprised and a little disappointed that it (overall) out performed my reference Ayre C5xe.
I will mod my Oppo BDP-83 but with the Ultra clock instead. I was informed that the video quality will also be improved.
I'm like Photon46, it's counter intuitive to mod such a platform. If I didn't here it for myself I would be in doubt too. I have to trust my ears on this one.
My Modwright modded Denon DVD players has sounded fantastic all these years and now it is being replaced by the Oppo. Still deciding who to go with. Modding these players is well worth it for the improvement in sound. It is like night and day. Beats having two boxes, one for video and one for audio when you can get excellent combined performance out of one unit.