@bdp24 Exactly! If you want to get anywhere near a live performance a powerful subwoofer system is mandatory. I might add that approaching realistic levels requires more gain than one would expect. Standard speakers, even large ones can not handle this. Room control, digital EQ and crossovers are important additions. I would even go so far as to say they are mandatory for the best performance. They also make integration a breeze.
My last set of commercial subwoofers were early Velodynes and like yours the foam surround disintegrated in 5 years. Garbage. That is when I started building my own. As you note there are many roads to Rome. Kits are a wonderful and inexpensive way to build a subwoofer system. Dayton also offers subwoofer kits and they perform just as well as most commercial units even if they are not as sophisticated in the finish department. Box enclosures do require extreme bracing. You should see how Magico builds their Q series subwoofers, wild. They are also balanced force like mine. KEF and Martin Logan also make balanced force subwoofers, but continue to use box enclosures. Aside of cylindrical enclosures I would also suggest that like Audio Kinesis, they make their electronics packages outboard. They also need to add high pass filters.