Subwoofer Advice

I am running a pair of Martin Logan ESL 13A speakers (24-23,000 Hz). I would have thought with two 10" woofers there would be more bas (the base level dial on the rear of the speakers doesn’t seem to cut it either).

In the past I had a pair of ML Spires (29-23,000 Hz) with only one 10" woofer that had so much base, I sold my pair of ForceField 30s. Not the case with the 13A’s.

I don’t have a lot of room, maybe 16" or so square and I was wondering about a pair of SVS Micros. Do you think they would complement the 13As or do I need something bigger?

Martin Logan has come out with a few new subs lately; do you think I should keep in the ML family?

Hoping to come in under $2K, so used is fine. Thanks all!

I should also mention I’m limited on space so placement would likely have to be on the inside or the outside of the main speakers (same back wall).



I am a happy Rythmic 15 in sealed sub user. Contact them and they will give you guidance on the best sub(s) for your application. They are very reasonably priced given their performance and flexibility.

@mijostyn +1 on the M1 DAC!

I am not sure if I can increase certain frequencies manually, nor am I sure about the program having EQ capabilities. Even if these features were available to me, I’m not sure if I could figure out how to do it. This kinda sounds a little to techie for me.

If we can advance the low end 10 dB at 20 Hz keep it flat to 60 Hz then curve it down to zero dB at 100 Hz you should be fine without added subwoofers as long as the drivers and amps can handle the volumes you like to listen at.


I have 11As and use 2 REL S/812s more to improve the soundstage than for deeper bass. Sounds great. Also I have gotten better sound by moving them 30" from the wall behind them. Room treatment has helped enormously, especially the Stillpoints Aperture 2 panels. Hope you get there. Joe

@navyachts I do not know that program. You have to jump in and read the manual. If you give me the exact product name I might be able to download the manual and give you a hand. You might want to look into those KEF subwoofers in the meanwhile.

HI I have two SVS SB 1000 pros supporting my Canton 9k stand mounted and they were a piece of cake to set up,sound good and fill in seamlessly,and they are well within your budget,and have a good reputation. Having said that I  have no experience with other subs so there is that.