Next step up on the streaming food chain?

I’ve been enjoying my Auralic Aries G1 for nearly 3 years now. If I wanted to explore a significant step up in my streaming quality, and not a small incremental increase in quality, what devices should be on my short list? Aries G2.2? Grimm MU1? Something else? The G1 is awfully good, however, I still perceive an extra layer of dimensionality and roundness with my analogs set up (see profile for details) that I would love too achieve in the digital realm. Or am I barking up the wrong tree, and should I focus on my DAC, a Bricasti M1, and try as non-oversampling R2R dac? FWIW, I think the Bricasti is excellent- it was the first DAC I ever heard that made me say- "that sounds terrific" instead of saying "that sounds great for digital"


If you haven’t already, find a good electrician to run separate dedicated power lines from your panel with true earth ground and pure copper HD outlets. If you really want to go all the way, have a separate audio panel installed first. Then the dedicated lines. Made a big difference in my system and I don’t have near the level of gear you have. 

A whole house surge protector is inexpensive compared to audio gear. It’s a bacon saver. 

+2 on Grimm MU1 or MU2. Not a fairy tale. 

Grimm 2, no I2s @18k but does seem to be a nice "integrated" option if you don't want to mess with separates. Not for me. I like to tinker. I'm retired, I need a job :)

I recently got a Bricasti M 1 Series II DAC to pair w/ my Innuos Zenith Mk II & OPPO CD player ( used as a transport).  It is the first time in my system ( only one I know well enough to say this) that streaming music on Qobuz or playing a CD ( recording dependent) can sound on par albeit a little different w/ my Basis 2500/ Basis Vector 4 / Hana ML/ Art Audio Phono amp which I’ve had for over 20 years ( cartridge is relatively new). Vinyl sounds a little bit richer & fuller w/ a little more depth but not by much but the digital sounds quieter, has a blacker background, bigger sound stage height & width wise. Both sound very good. 

I don’t know for sure but have heard the Series II is substantially better than the original Bricasti M 1 & can be upgraded by them for reasonable $. Perhaps that might be worth trying as you already like the Bricasti sound & know about their quality & excellent reliability. 


Since you own a Bricasti DAC, have you considered their M5 Network Player? Outside ROON,  take a look at Aurender N200 or N20 (only if you prefer using AES over USB).