Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing

Hi All, I got bit by the Snake River Audio bug and took advantage of their Labor Day sale.  After talking with Jonny (nicest guy) I bought 2 of the signature hybrids and 1 of the cottonmouth power cables.  The unboxing was an experience and these cables are beautiful. The cables were shipped all kids of certificates and goodies from Idaho.  I can't wait to get these into the system and give you all my feedback.  If you're on the fence, just call Jonny and let him tell you about the cables first hand.


@baylinor what you described is the same when I added the Signature Mamushi XLR between my stream and amp. Bass was deeper and more controlled, the highs were articulate, and the sound was expansive. This was coming from Nordost Heimdall (v1) XLR's. After that, I was hooked laugh

@kdoerner - Congratulations! 

I’ve read great things about Snake River cables. I’m currently pretty set with an assortment of cables but am interested in your impressions once they burn in. Down the road, at the right time, I might purchase some to test in primary and/or secondary system. 

This is hilarious. The company took the term 'snake oil' and incorporated it into their marketing. And people are still falling for it. Unbelievable. 


They are located in Idaho, home of the famous Snake River.

That was an uneducated cheap shot, but I'm glad it amused you. You need to get together with jasonborne. In fact ASR would be right in your wheelhouse. You should post your system, so we know where you get your experience from.