Isolation transformer question

I know people who say they have bad power, and want to buy an isolation transformer.

When it comes to audio improvements, what will an isolation transformer do that all of the transformers in your gear aren't already doing?

(I'm not talking about "power conditioners" which include many things like filter capacitors, inductors, and so on)


IMO a regulator can do much more for you than a simple isolator, but the isolator can eliminate DC on the line, which is kind of rare, increase filtering due to increased inductance and make the incoming AC immune to certain types of EMI/RFI noise pick up.

In various places I've lived though the automatic voltage regulator is what really kept my gear fed consistently well, whether from too low or too high a voltage.

Linear amps in particular may both cause voltage sags and be subject to them.  A regulator will make the incoming AC look much stiffer.

@clustrocasual I’ve used Bryston/Torus isolation transformers for over a decade. The ones I use are listed in my virtual systems. My experience with them: lower noise floor; I prefer the soundstage structure; the system dynamics are excellent. In my opinion, they help the other components in my system(s) to live up to their potential.

You guys crack me up.  @sns  If any of that stuff makes your system sound better then you have some seriously poor equipment. More likely than not a formal AB comparison would show that it did not make any difference at all. I use to think it was just expectation bias, but now, given my own feelings when I have gone down the wrong path, it is avoidance of buyer's remorse. "I just spent all that money. It's got to sound better!" My last mistake cost me $13,000 and three months wiring, rewiring, resistors, no resistors, more resistors, two transformers and finally one transformer. Not isolation transformers, step up transformers. 

I use Plitron isolation transformers for all sensitive electronics. These are industrial grade, not consumer-itis.

I have done a factorial Plitron/ Wall x Aftermarket Power Cord two factor experiment, (in all combinations). Source power was high quality 117VAC half a mile from the nearest commercial installation. No AC, no street lighting running in the neighbourhood. Amps Bryston, speakers Quad ESL, source vinyl.

Best sound was with Plitron isolation transformers. With Plitron, all power cords sounded the same. With wall power, more expensive cords sounded better, monotonically increasing with price (best of these aftermarket cords was $4k).

Just how good can it be? Well, comparing an isolation transformer in front of a medical grade power supply, that power is almost as good as NiCad battery (NiCads are so quiet that they fall below the noise floor of most professional test equipment). You have to listen with utmost attention to hear the difference. That is for powering the most sensitive device, the phono/pre.

Other benefits include protection from power surges. You just can’t expect a 5kg transformer (at most) in a component to protect like a 20kg transformer by the panel. The notion that ANY commercially available amp under 50K is going to protect like that is silly. Even on my big (100 lb of transformers,100 kg of inductors, 1F capacitance) brute force power supply, I use Plitron isolation.

For what it’s worth. YMMV.