Any audiophile use computer (MacBook) as your audio streaming source?

I rarely see any audiophile talking about streaming audio digital sources from a computer. I understand MacBook can accept native lossless formats form all the various platforms, and it can store unlimited music files in any format, so supposedly it’s the best source, and the digital file is the most purest before it’s fed to the dac. Anyone compared the sound quality of computer vs other audio streamer? 


Admittedly, most - if not all - off-the-shelf computers are unfit to stream digital music. They don’t have a place in a proper audiophile system.

But a purpose-built computer absolutely does. Usually this means a machine you build yourself of thoughtfully selected components, and properly set up and configured OS and software.

Or, get a Bluesound Node, LPS and nice cables, feed it to a good tube DAC (with really good NOS tubes) and be done and happy for ~$3K (+ $11 a month for Qobuz and SXM for free if you have SXM in your car) - and a nice app to control it all from every phone and tablet in the house.

But a purpose-built computer absolutely does. Usually this means a machine you build yourself of thoughtfully selected components, and properly set up and configured OS and software.

@devinplombier  That’s probably true, but how many people here who are audiophiles and not computer techs are qualified or are willing to undertake such a project?!?  C’mon man, be real.  Sometimes things are just worth paying for. 

Here’s another voice in the dark that at first used a MacBook, then a Bluesound .....great place to start .. hint hint) and then a better streamer and DAC. My wife who could give a rat’s behind care about all of this also noticed the improvements. Cabling and a clean ethernet matter too. In other words far better SQ can be had away from ye old lappy. You will get what you pay for.


I used to use a MacBook as my streaming source; changed to an Eversolo A6 about a year ago, which was far superior; I'll upgrade that eventually, too. 

@devinplombier That’s probably true, but how many people here who are audiophiles and not computer techs are qualified or are willing to undertake such a project?!? C’mon man, be real. Sometimes things are just worth paying for.

 like the old motorcyclist adage :

"Ducati , making mechanics out of motorcyclist for a 100 years"