Magnepan LRS+ resistors on the tweeters… which?

I have a pair of LRS+ and after playing with the set-up positioning for a while I have finally found the spot where everything aspect of the sound is right apart from the treble: it is simply too high, and is tiresome after a couple of records.

But Magnepan knows it and fit a pair of sockets to allow the user to play with 10W resistors, ranged from 1 to 2 Ohm.

The resistors that come with the speakers are not the best and some users refer that they affect the sound too much.

So I wonder, what are the best resistors to fit in the LRS+ ?


You know, Maggie’s are hard to set up, I have the 1.7s. What cables are you using?Also amplification makes a difference too. There are warmer amps and better sounding cables,even though that is a heavily debated topic. What are you using for amps?

@pureclarity, I have several amps and cables to work with, and I have tried almost every combination.

The two that I have used the most are:

- Naim Nac 122x / Flatcap 2x / Nap 150x with Naim Nac A5 cables

- Vincent SV-237MK with Van Damme L-OFC 4mm cables

You are right about the importance of both amps and cables, but I tend to think that the treble presence (too much of it) is a trade mark of Magnepans in general, and they know it to fit a way to reduce it by the use of resistors.

What amp are you using and what cables?



Let me just say that I went through multiple amps and two preamps… and each shaped the sound in their own way… but it was the 0.25 ohm resistors that really dialed things in…. my room is large and somewhat live.