High end bookshelf speakers for Small room

I have to downsize my listening room. Looking to get a pair of bookshelf speakers for a room size 13x14 which has furniture carpet and I plan to do some acoustic treatment if needed. Would love to get some subs as well. Currently I have rels510 which might be too much for this small room.. 

My audio chain - Aurender N20, dCS Rossini + clock, luxman509z amp. 

Music preference - Acoustic, rock, pop, piano, instrumental.. pretty much different genres. 

Sound preference - bold close to you vocals, clean detailed sound. Slightly warm is fine. 

Current candidates - TAD ME/CE, Joseph audio pulsar2, dynaaudio, Sonia Faber.. 

Any inputs here are much appreciated.. thanks in advance



Vandersteen Treo CT. They don't take up any more floor space than a bookshelf/monitor speaker on a stand, and can be placed very close to the front wall.

Or Audio Note. 

A pair of original Snell Type K's would be a much better value than the exorbitantly priced Audio Note K's. I have the originals.

I haven’t read all the responses in this thread but I have recently dealt with the same situation as the OP -- finding the perfect high end speakers for a small room.

I’ve set up my system in a small unused bedroom and the Audience Clairaudient 1+1 series V have proven to be ideal in that space. They're about the size of your head. 

There are many rave reviews online about these speakers.

They run about 4k for the pair.


Currently I am using an Audioengine 2+ speaker that I got for $170 last month. It is about the size of the Audience 1+1 that I owned at one time. I had the 1+1 v3.

In the smaller room that I am in now the Audioengine 2+ works better than the Audience 1+1 v3. It is easier to place. I have them on stands BEHIND me. I am using the great KEF KC62 sub with them. The 1+! v3 was the most difficult speaker to place that I owned. I kept the KEF LS50 over the 1+1 since it had less room reflection issues with the LS50 (still a lot to deal with).

Today the Audioengine 2+ are sounding decent with a Benchmark DAC3B,  a Schitt Mjolnir v3 preamp, along with the KC62 sub. Streaming is fibre based with a ROON client. A bit of a crazy setup but it may work for some people.

Saying all of that. I decided to buy a used Magnepan Mini system yesterday. I already have a Sanders Magtech amp (no longer on sale now) and I will replace the 2+ with the Maggies on the stands behind me. The 2+ will go on my desk when I want audio for my YouTube or sports viewing.

The Maggies will work the best of all the speakers I have owned in a small room because they have less reflection issues, I have owned the LRS+ before in a small room (a bit bigger than my current office).

I was considering the JERN speaker that AudioTroy was mentioning before. Again, the speakers would be on stands behind me. That JERN speaker seems like a great small room speaker.

I am also expecting to buy an open baffle desktop speaker from Requisite Audio. I have heard a prototype in June, and it was rather good. I likely should have waited on the Magnepan Mini until I heard the completed open baffle speakers but that will not be a short-term purchase option until I get some cash.