Legacy Audio Focus SE and rivals

I am Interested at Legacy Audio Focus SE - their natural look Is exceptional, they are very efficient, got 2 x 12 Inch woofers which cut off  low end at 18 Hz at - 2 dB , curious about  HF end where cut off Is 30 kHz

I would like to ask you - are they neutral sound speaker, are they sensitive to closer to wall placing

are there any better alternative at that price


I've always been curious about these, for those that have experience I've got Focal Kanta 3s and have heard (and like) most of the brand. How does Legacy contrast?

No comparison to Focal. I sold my Electra 1038s for these (signature SE) and couldn't be happier. Could never (after 6 years ) get the Focals to loose the clinical, fatiguing presentation.. Legacy makes music.

Totally agree no comparison I sold my Focal Aria 948 and went with Focus SE. it was like a night and day comparison. The clarity and detail is glorious. I set for a long time with speakers. 

I can agree with the positives. I have a complete Legacy system. Focus SE’s, Marquee Center, Phantom Sides, Deco Rears and 4 Foundation Subwoofers. Amps are Legacy IV:2 to power the Focus’s and a Legacy IV:5 to power all the Surrounds/Center. I came from Ascend Acoustics and before that M&K’s. This system is my last, as I won’t be searching for that dream system any longer. I found it.....
On a side note, one of the Foundations was damaged in shipping. Bill Dudleson happened to be doing a seminar in NY at the time. The interstate from NY to Springfield Ill. runs right through the middle of our town so Bill and an associate stopped by the house, looked over the damage. Bill got out his repair kit (in his youth he was a master cabinet maker), and preceded to work on the damaged area for a good hour. Not happy with the final results they loaded it up and took the damaged piece back to the shop. Before leaving they sit and listed to my system and set up all the "adjustments". Took several pics and Sue said "you would have thought the President was here". Ha Ha Ha. Yea, I was a little star struck, but it's a day I'll never forget.  

I have been listening to my Focal SEs for years driven by a BAT 600SE power amp and BAT VK-31SE preamp fed by an Ayre CD player and a VPI Classic turntable. As long as you pair them with quality equipment you will be totally blown away with the sound these speakers deliver.  They are one of best values is high end audio today.  In my opinion Bill Duddleston is a genius and one of the greatest speaker designers out there. He understands the science and the sound.