The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL

On a sentimental lark I purchased two Shure V15 V bodies and one SAS/B stylus. I was always a realistic about the Shure's potential. Was comparing it to $10k+ cartridges fair? Absolutely. The Shure was considered to be one of the best cartridges of the day. Why not compare it to a few of the best we have today?

The Shure has always been considered to be unfailingly neutral. Famous recording engineers have said it sounded most like their master tapes. I do not have an original stylus for the Shure and I can not say that the Jico performs as well. 

My initial evaluation was quite positive. It worked wonderfully well in the Shroder CB. With a light mounting plate and small counterbalance weight a resonance point of 8 hz was easily achieved. There was nothing blatantly wrong with the sound. There was no mistracking at 1.2 grams. You can see pictures of all these styluses here 

After listening to a bunch of favorite evaluation records my impression was that the Shure sounded on the thin side, lacking in the utmost dynamic impact with just a touch of harshness. I listened to the Shure only for four weeks as my MC phono stage had taken a trip back to the factory. I was using the MM phono stage in the DEQX Pre 8, designed by Dynavector. I have used it with a step up transformer and know it performs well. I got my MC stage back last week and cycled through my other cartridges then back to the Shure. The Soundsmith and Lyra are much more alike than different. I could easily not be able to tell which one was playing. The Lyra is the slightest touch darker. The Shure is a great value....for $480 in today's money, but it can not hold a candle to the other cartridges. They are more dynamic, smoother and quieter. They are more like my high resolution digital files. Whether or not they are $10,000 better is a personal issue. Did the DEQX's phono stage contribute to this lopsided result? Only to a small degree if any. I do have two Shure bodies and they both sound exactly the same. The Shure may have done better with a stock stylus. I do not think the age of the bodies contributes to this result at all. 

Post removed 

Re Mijostyn’s observation on driving the Sound Labs speakers that he and I own: The JC1+ may "work" fine but doesn’t sound nearly as good as my much modified MA240s. I once owned a pair that I purchased only because my Atmasphere amps were going to be out of commission for a few months. I sold the Parasound amps immediately after doing a comparison on the SL speakers.

How did you measure speaker frequency response? Like you inferred, anything above 12kHz is for a dog so far as I am concerned. Many years ago, our youngest son came down from doing his homework one evening to complain about a high frequency whistle he perceived to be coming from my M1s (speakers that preceded the 845PX). I had no idea what he was talking about; nor did my wife hear it. But I did find and fix the problem. (It was coming from the CDP.) Plus, he now lives in Tokyo. If he can hear it from there, we got a problem. Anyway, that incident also did prove there was some response from the speaker at very high audio frequencies well beyond my hearing, with my OTLs driving the M1s.

It looks like my Prompts over the past year+ to a friend, encouraging them to revisit experiencing their owned Audax HD-3P Gold Dome Piezo Tweeter, has paid off, as when I went to the friends today to Drop off my Technics SP10 MK II Kaneta Design TT as a Long Term Loan. I was informed in advance there was a little surprise experience for myself to encounter.

It wasn't the Multi Tonearm Mountable P'holz Plinth for the SP10 MK II, which I am eagerly awaiting to experience, which will have enabled the experience using all the TA's that have been lined up to compare to each other, to be pencilled in as a date to occur.

What was in use as the surprise, is the individuals Speaker Design using the Audax HD-3P Gold Dome Piezo Tweeter.

After about an Hour of Listening to a selection of known to me tracks and a few new encounter tracks, I can say the HD-P3 is as impressive in this system as it has proven to be in my own.

For a reason I care not to try and understand, I'm just very happy to be present.  The Speaker using this Tweeter has the ability to immerse a listener into the music, the sound being produced has the capability to captivate ones full attention for the music being produced.   

I remain content with my assessment this Tweeter might be one the Best Produced Tweeters and it is a shame the design issue it developed was not sorted and it was kept in production.

The owner of the Speakers listened to today has made it known modern Parts used on the electronics will enable a much more expansive Soundstage, and the Xover is to be modified to a up to date design, using PC Triple C Wire within the Cabinet. It is hard to believe more is suspected to be able to be extracted in relation to the sound already being so impressive.    

I have learnt today the intent of the friend as a result of their impression oof the HD-3P, is to produce a OB with a Driver Array that will fully compliment the HD-3P, it has also been voiced that as there is a collection of the HD-3P Tweeters, a Dipole Array could be used for these.

The friend has also made it known that they are now seeing the time to take on the Kaneta Design SP10 MK II, with a much more dedicated commitment.

Hopefully something might happen with the TA Comparisons across the Xmas Hol's, where a Kaneta Design TT is the TT design selected for the comparisons?     


"Not really a problem if you obey the instruction manual that says to use (an) amp(s) of 40-100W power and no more. As you may recall, I have replaced all the panels in my 2905s, and while the older panels were short on glue, it was the case that one would fail and start to arc after playing too loudly."

I still have four out of twelve panels in their original condition.  The rest have been reglued (really much more than that as it involves new mylar and new slightly conductive coating, plus proper tensioning).  Panel failures have been revealed by a slight murmuring noise, or popping as a spark flies!  I have also had a high voltage failure in one speaker - the high voltage is on the same circuit board as audio.  In the end, I made up a piggyback board to produce 5.25-kV.

Initially I used a Quad 405-2 100-Watt amp, basically designed for the speaker.  Later I switched to a lower power amp, the Krell KSA-80.  Well, lower power when measured into 8-Ohms, at just 80-Watts RMS.  The Krell is about 9 times larger, but only 4 times heavier, than the Quad, which made 100,000 405-2 amplifiers, on top of 64,000 405 ones.

In my experience, transients tend to be faster on SACD, BluRay audio and 4K disks, for example West Side Story, Spielberg fashion. Any instantaneous input voltage over 56-V triggers the protection, regardless of amplifier power.  The Krell has an impressive slew rate!