Looking for more advice on purchasing a new turntable.

So I’m looking for Opinions/Advice from people who have high-end turntables and the experiences with. 
First, I’ll start with my system. It consists of a Prima Luna preamp and two Prima Luna amplifiers along with the prima Luna phone stage with a pair of magnepans 1.7 My budget for the table is $5000 new or used, but for that price I would want it to come with a really good cartridge otherwise, 4000 for the table and 1000 for the cartridge. 
Thanks I look forward to your recommendations. 


I find modern digital streaming and server files equal too or better than vinyl, without the required ritual of removing from storage and cleaning vinyl prior to playing to achieve good SQ and preserve the record.  In addition, attention to setup TT,TA, and Cartridge setup is critical for vinyl playback. IMHO why hassle unless an offering is not streaming, in your library, or you are just feeling nostalgic.  However, at your price point going preowned will get you much better SQ.  Some favs of mine are VPI, Linn, and SME.   Linn requires much attention to detail.  SME will be hard to find, but not impossible, at your budget.  VPI provides very easy setup and good SQ at their price point.   There is a VPI HRX with VPI JM 12.5  TA and Benz Micro cartridge for just over $5k on this site (no vested interest) and a Linn LP 12 with Dynevector