Looking for more advice on purchasing a new turntable.

So I’m looking for Opinions/Advice from people who have high-end turntables and the experiences with. 
First, I’ll start with my system. It consists of a Prima Luna preamp and two Prima Luna amplifiers along with the prima Luna phone stage with a pair of magnepans 1.7 My budget for the table is $5000 new or used, but for that price I would want it to come with a really good cartridge otherwise, 4000 for the table and 1000 for the cartridge. 
Thanks I look forward to your recommendations. 


Mofi ultra deck with a Hana ML cart.

I do understand that the top two mofi cartridges are excellent options. I used the cartridge that came with it for a couple years, a master tracker. It was very good and easy to live with. But when I installed the Hana and brought in a PS JC 3 Jr. pre, wow! Everything just opened up. IMO I’m going to have to spend gobs of dough to hit the next rung in performance. Estimation of my vinyl set up, $2k for deck, $1k pre-amp, $750 for cartridge. Total $3750.  (Everything bought on sale)

If you can find a Technics 1200G at a good price, that might be worthwhile for you; it was for me....  Plenty of good carts for around $1000....