Speaker List narrowed down…


This is the final post in a follow up to my two previous posts of “Looking for a narrow baffle small footprint speaker” and “My wife weighed in she wants piano white tower/bookshelf “


Price range - below $25k

Color: Flexible now but Aesthetics count as it’s a centerpiece to our new gathering room

Also, the only source will be a turntable - Macintosh MT-10 and MP-100 (to be purchased and that’s it), amp is the Rose hifi RS 520 which is 250 wpc and I value the mid-range.

I have pictures of my room but no idea how to post (audiogon clearly hasn’t updated their technology from 30 years ago).

Final Choices with notes:

Fyne Audio 8 (new) or 10 used

Estalon Aura (but too close to wall an issue?),

Reynaud Abscisse Jubilee (beautiful how’s the midrange?)

YG Acoustics 3, (Looks nice narrow baffle)

PS Audio FR20 or 10, (even the 10may be too big)

Perilstein S7T.

Focal Sopra 3







Since you have the Sopra 3 on your list which I wouldn’t really consider a narrow baffle I would highly recommend the Rockport Atria ii (used if you can find a pair) in your price range. Or stretch for a new pair. Amazing speakers and worth an audition. Good luck ! 

I have never heard of Amherst Audio.   Are they former Spearit Sound guys?  

In terms of esthetics I think it comes down to the YG, Estelon and PS Audio. if you think the PS Audio are too big, they probably are. I listened to both YG and Estelon at AXPONA this year, YG in two different rooms, YG was a clear winner, and no bass port, making placement more flexible. I would go listen to them somewhere, guessing you will like them. 

I heard a pair of yg acoustics at CAF powered by a Bermeister integrated and it was my favorite room of the show for a normal home size room. 

YG Acoustics. The Carmel 3 retails for $30k USD. Not sure if the electronics have the synergy or refinement for any YG Acoustic loudspeaker?