??? Full Loom vs Mix ???

I'm curious as to whether most of you folks have gone with all one manufacturer of cables or you have a mix???
 If you have a mix,why did you go that route?


MIX  So much great stuff and the high end nuance hardly matters to me. Should I win the lottery, then I would go all in on Hijiri cabels or maybe Cardas clear beyond. 

I don’t use equipment from the same manufacturer

The wiring in your components is not all the same now 

Excellent points. 


As said by others...unless you can A-B test cables in a system, any use of memory is suspect to me. I think, I hope, most of us can agree synergy is a real thing in pairing pieces of equipment. I think it also exists in mixing cables. If synergy is real and exists amongst equipment, amongst cables, and the pairing of the two, and that is a big IF for some people, which is easier, finding synergy amongst various cable manufacturers AND various electronic manufacturers or in finding a full loom for electronics that themselves pair well together? I have an Aavik U-300 integrated paired with Raidho TD1.2's...it is pretty widely accepted these pair well...I'm sure many would say I should go with Ansuz cables but I can't afford it and I'm reluctant to put all my electronic/cable "eggs in one basket." So, I have a full loom of Audience Front Row and I feel it fits well with my system today and likely anything I would get in the future. I guess I'm a whole loom person who finds that easier than mix and matching while looking for synergy between cables and equipment. 

The manufacturer will of course tell you that for best results you should use their product throughout your system.  Heaven forbid that another brand gets in between theirs and prevent you from reaching audio nirvana.

Some really high end components include custom speaker cables, power cords, etc.  You should probably throw those away and get a full loom of something else.

As you may guess, I'm a bit of a cable skeptic.  Not in the sense that they are all the same, I can hear audible differences between cables. 

However, I would rather pick up good used cables at a heavily discounted price and piece together a system with high quality cables of different brands than to pay list price for a full loom of cables throughout my system. 

If you have the funds to do so, and it matters to you, I don't think it's a bad thing and certainly will look better than the mess of cables I have behind my system.