SL-1200 G Power cable

On hooking up my new Technics SL-1200G I started out plugging in a nice new DHLabs 1-meter power cable and then found out it wasn’t getting any juice. I guessed contact wasn’t being made with that awkward plug port so I just plugged in the stock cord and all was well. The smaller plug did the trick and all seems great, but is it worth fooling with this further for just a TT? It’s plugged into a Niagara 1200 so how much do I need to worry about radiation to or from this cable?  It’s all about the stupid plug size.  Sorry about this stupid question!


TT uses very little current and does't have large current need changes like an amp.  Your amp will need a heavy power cord and should not be restricted by the Niagra 1200.  TT is fine as is.