Looking to move to a Tube Integrated setup

I'm moving from solid state class D to a Tube Integrated amplifier and have narrowed it down to (2). The Ayon Scorpio II w/KT150's and the PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP w/KT120's. Does anyone have any experience with either or both of these they can share. Recommendations? Others I should consider in the $3K to $6K range? My speakers are relatively efficient at 98dB.


I agree with freediver except I like DHTs.  Now that I know what speakers you have, I especially recommend an SE DHT amp.

@jijoh123 @ghdprentice - +1 on the Audio Research integrated amp. Over the last few years I’ve been on a mission to listen to as many amps as I can, often in my home as possible. Over that time, I’ve acquired a Conrad Johnson and an Audio Hungary tube amp. Big fan.

But the amp that initially got me intrigued on tube amps was the Audio Research I-50. I initially purchased it when it first came out but supply chains during COVID delayed delivery, so I changed my mind and bought another amp from the dealer instead. And I regret it! The AR I-50 was simply amazing sounding.