I'll second what oddiofyl has written and add that the mid-mono soundstage is awesome. You get space/placement between instruments, mid-range second to none for the money, and a wonderful EL34 liquid tone. Finally-they are well-built.
What is Moving From Solid State to Quicksilver Mid Monos Like?
Hello to all!
I currently have a McCormack DNA125 modified / upgraded in a manor similar to what McCormack does. It is fine sounding, but I have a curiosity (itch?) about what
I would experience if I moved to a pair of the current Quicksilver mid mono amplifiers. Can anyone out there who has made a move from good SS equipment
to the mid monos tell me what they gained that made them happier with the sound?
Thanks in advance!
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- 18 posts total
Some of what you might "gain" or even "miss" may also have a direct dependency on your speakers impedance, efficiency, and the size of the room too. +1 to what @oddiofyl stated. If you can swing it, plan to keep both for a while and rotate back and forth. You’ll end up appreciating both for different reasons. While I have the larger QS monos running KT120s now, and not EL34s, and also still alternate with 50w Class A SS amplification [formerly 200wpc SS] - both have their +/-. I suspect the "midrange" is what you’ll probably like most about the QS Mid Monos. I helped a friend into getting a pair of mid monos after he heard my other EL34 amps of the past. He talks about getting more efficient speakers now from time to time, but it’s not totally necessary. His prior amp was EL34 tube based and 2x the power of the mid monos. The mid monos came into the picture for more reliability. He now has a large subwoofer to go along with his QS Mid Monos. Fills the room now with more low-end reinforcement. It is a larger than average room with really high ceilings. Imo, the top end and lower end bass drive will still be there if your speakers are more on the efficient side. I’m keeping in mind you are coming from a DNA 125. When I use to flip back to my former/larger SS amp with more power [like your DNA 125], there was this added sound pressure that filled the room a tad more in a larger room with less efficient speakers. Again, the room and speakers matter here too. This is what might also be considered about what you might "gain" or "miss" or be happy with. Try both, keep both, and rotate. Best of luck.
+! @decooney I would also add the obvious, that the outcome of any SS vs. tube amp comparison will be dependent on the speaker used. @fastcat95 What are the speakers under use? |
Hey guys! Thanks for all the input! My speakers are a pair of vintage Fried C6/L 2-way monitors (.75" tweeter, and dual V.C. 6.5" bass mids). 89 dB sensitivity; impedance probably drops to 4-6 ohms in some parts of the bass-mid range (to 2.7 KHz crossover); small to mid size room, and I do not play very loud (90-93 dB peaks at listening position - 2 meters). What do you think???
- 18 posts total