The end of physical media is neigh

Very sad news for me personally.  Honestly this struck me as hard or harder than hearing about the death of a beloved artist.   With the advent of machine learning and AI controlling our music listening we are becoming a world without any control at all over our music or movie culture.


I really hate this. Even though I’ve ripped all of my cds and SACDs to a NAS, I’d still have a hard time getting rid of my collection. I’ve thought about it and it makes sense considering the huge amount of space it takes up. Then there’s the Blu-ray’s and dvds. We purged quite a bit a couple of years ago and luckily I’ve haven’t missed any of those but when it comes to my music collection, I just can’t do it, and my albums, they are completely off the table! 

I’m all streaming now but seriously considering the painful cost of adding vinyl. They  cant take that away from me easily.  However my x wife did in fact easily take all my vinyl- so there’s that. 

I popped in a CD recently- man do those sound like crap. Sadly I have hundreds of the darn things and can’t bring myself to jettison them.  

The day is quickly approaching where the only thing we can physically hold in our hand is when we're standing in front of a white porcelain fixture.

Not in my house.  And I’ve got an oPPo and a 4k video player that’s barely been played, not to mention some 300 films on dvd, Blu Ray, and 4k. 

Not all CDs sound like crap.  Some are really well recorded for the format intended.  But I prefer physical media myself.  But will likely add streaming sometime. Only have so much time in the day to listen. More important things to do in life.