Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 Phono. Where do I go from here?

Hey all, 

I have recently upgraded my turntable and cartridge and I think I would like to follow with the phono stage. As in the title I am currently using a DS2 phono and a cinemag 1234 SUT. The rest of the chain, VPI Prime 21 with AT ART9XI cart, Aric Audio 6sn7 line stage, Aric Audio KT88/120 SE amp out to some custom open baffle speakers.

I am only a couple years into the vinyl world. The DS2 is the second unit I have owned. It sounded fine I felt with the P3/2M bronze and the TD160/AT33PTG ii combo's I have. With the Improvements the new set up has made I now feel the DS2 may be a weak point?

I have looked at lots of options to the point of just being in a fog! I would love to hear from some folks. I would like to find something that is dynamic and musical with accurate or natural tone and timbre. Solid controlled bottom end good meaty mids and clean clear, not clinical upper end. Something capable of a wide and deep sound stage. Id love to keep it under $2500 if at all possible new or used.

I would like to hear what people in my range have settled on and why? There Isn't a lot of stuff available in my area to check out in that price range. At least that I have found. Lots of stuff well above my price point!

Thank you. 


Your setup deserves a much better tube phonostage.

A next level, new tube unit is $4K+

At your budget used is the way to go, but this appears to be a new unit

Look for a used Manley Chinook-at or less than budget.

I found one of these used for $2500. Pure luck/timing.

Why not Aric's Super MM since you have the SUT?

I use a Modwright PH9.0XT with my VPI Prime but have been thinking about Aric's phono stage since I got his Custom 2A3/45 SET.

I've also heard nice things about the Hagerman Trumpet MC.

Lunatic Audio's Wingnut One is my go to.The tube sweetness makes solid state phono stages sound grainy and phlegmy.