Legacy Focus SE or PS Audio FR20

My custom-made speakers have served me well for 40 years (including several upgrades) but given technological advancement I’m beginning to evaluate new speakers. Top of my list so far are Legacy Focus SE and PS Audio FR 20 - both of which I was able to hear at Axpona. Both are at or above my price range so I’m looking for insights from users on these or other suggestions at or below the price range. Listening habits are 60% rock/alternative, 20% folk, 20% jazz. Integrated amp is 175 watt Plinius 8200, TT is Sota Nova with older model Origin Live Silver tonearm and Grado Reference 3 cartridge. I do have some high-end hearing loss so I’m trying to factor that in as well. Any help appreciated, thanks!


I’ve listened to PSaudio  FR20  at axpona as well they sound very good, they also look good. Legacy are good as well. You can’t go wrong on both speakers.

As for testing with my Plinius, of course that would be ideal but virtually impossible given the amp is 35 years old and unlikely to be found in any listening room

@aheydorn  Is there a Legacy &/ or PSA dealer withing a reasonable distance. You could take your amp to the dealer and try it there. As for the speakers my only input is that I have Silverline Sonatas which are 93.5 db efficient. My Conrad Johnson MF 2500A  250wpc didn't sound  as good as my Latino Dyna ST-70 with my Silverlines. Maybe it was the tubes. Maybe 250 wpc is much more power than the efficient speakers need or can use adequately.  IOW,itI was not getting the full benefit of the 250 wpc. It overflowed like pouring a gallon of water into a pint jar. It could be that your 175 wpc would make the PSA's sing better because their  87db can use all the goodness from the Plinius. This is a laymen's observation and thoughts about it.  Also Maybe Call each manfg and pose the question to them.

I have the Focus SEs also. I paired them with a complete Legacy system. Marquee Center, Phantom Sides, Deco Rears along with 4 of their Foundation Subwoofers. I also used their IV Amps. An IV:5 for the Center/Surrounds/Rears and an IV:2 for the Focus's. Bill came to my house to repair one of the subs that was damaged by the freight company. He personally worked on it (he was a master woodworker back in his younger days) for a couple hours before telling me he didn't like the "match", so he took it with him back to Springfield. While here he adjusted my system. All I can say is I have spent a lifetime hunting my perfect system. Well, I found it. I absolutely love it, and so does everyone that stops over to have a listen. If your ever in Ohio your welcome to have a demo.     

@nitrobob ,


where bought in Ohio are you? I’m Tipp city originally (20miles north of Dayton) and visit family many times per year coming from West Michigan. 

@aheydorn looking over the specs for both PS and Legacy speaker models you chose in your post [and pairing with your amplifier], and simply looking at efficiency, you might want to compare the two a bit more here to get pairing ideas.

One is 95db, the other 87db, and both are 4ohms - a starting point to consider when pairing with your existing amplifier being able to control multiple speaker drivers. One other thought to share if you are serious about either speaker/models -

Legacy Focus SE or XD? - Let’s say if you are choosing the Legacy brand, and you want to stick with your amp now - maybe look at the other "XD" model instead, not the SE. The XD version offers an internal subwoofer amplifier to drive the large woofers for you. Your older Plinius 8200 amp would only need to drive the mids/top end driver duty vs all of it. Might be outside of your stated budget, but worth noting in any case.

PS Audio - I have a feeling if you call PS and ask Paul, they are going to want you to buy one of their amps to most effectively drive the FR20s.

After looking over the specs, I’d recommend not considering either speaker brand/model until you try them with your amp first, and then hearing them with a proper amplifier designed to power and control either of these speakers, imo.

Best of luck on the search.