Which sounds better 2 way or 3 way speaker design

Seeking to purchase one of the following 3 speakers:

1. Proac K3-2 way design

2. Totem Element Metal V2-2 way design

3. Triangle Cello-3 way design

I am under the impression, (which I may be incorrect) that a three way design is superior to a 2 way design.  All of the above speakers listed below retail for about $18,000 per pair. Am I correct to assume that a 3 way design will give the listener a much better chance to hear the full audio spectrum as opposed to a 2 way design?

Thank you.  



I’ve noticed that most of the high end speaker makers (Rockport , Wilson , Magico , YG, Evolution Acoustics) all use 3 way or 4 way speakers in their mid to upper end lines. Surely this speaks to the benefits of this type of speaker. It seems that one of the main reasons people go with a 2 way is your room size. I’ve seen many threads where members recommend a 2 way based on room size 

A great 2 way can sound great. It has been said that since the Xover is more simple, it is easier to integrate. Most all mixing board speakers are small two ways.


Both have their own benefits and drawbacks. First, let's assume they are equally well designed. A two-way design tend to make it easier to integrate the two elements into a single sonic "picture" especially at shorter listening distances. A 3-way design tend to reduce distortion as each element is required to cover a smaller frequency span, but also making it more difficult to get them to "gel" into a single sonic "picture", Many times, a 3-way design will require more of a listening distance to get the 3 elements to blend.


Basically, select the one that fits your room and listening distance the best. 

Of course 3-ways would be bigger than 2.5-ways which should obviously be bigger than 2-ways..., right??? wink

These Super Big Red 2.5-ways are only 15.5 cu ft. Those are Chartwell LS3/5A 2-ways on the floor for comparison.