… "And the government shall be upon his shoulders"

As I was getting up this morning, the local classical station was playing Handel's Messiah and that familiar phrase above is oft repeated, as I am sure you are well aware. It has always struck me as quite strange. I am hoping some of our musicological  members can help me understand the meaning and intent of Handel giving that phrase such a prominent place in the work. Certainly, it seems to run counter to Christ's own teaching that we should "render under Caesar, the things that are Caesar's, and to God, the things that are God's".

I am aware that our modern American notion of separation of church and state was not the case in the Europe of Handel's time. Also that the medieval church had maneuvered itself into the rather convenient arrangement with earthly Kings that their right to rule proceeded from God. Which was known as the divine right of kings. This fortuitous arrangement put the church officials in the position of validating earthly power as the manifestation of God's will. But all of that still doesn't quite square with the mantra, "and the government shall be upon his shoulders".

From everything I have ever learned Christ did not give a fig for earthly power. Is this as big a contradiction as it appears? Is Handel's Messiah a propaganda piece?

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Isaiah is not a book of prophecy. Written by two different authors at different times both exhorting their present day Israel to do better. Data over Dogma youtube videos do a great job outlining the current academic consensus

 Now if you hold the Bible to be inerrant and completely inspired that is fine for you to believe whatever. Sort of like arguing against another person's ears.

As for Handel underrated and magnificent composer.

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I could comment about the pending I'M POTUS, but won’t beyond <That....

I also could stir a pot ’bout christianity with some views on the afterlife that would likely disappoint....


Do you dream during anesthesia? Me? Never....my point.

Life IS the dream.
It’s where you’ve come from prior to the ’waking’ a more pertinent way of looking at the ’the nap’ seem remarkably similar....

....enough time to forget All of This. *LOL* ;)

Weirdy Gnu Year....

In Isaiah’s Messianic prophecy “and the government shall be upon his shoulders” is included along with the phrase “He shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” Old Testament Messianic prophecy and the conviction that Jesus of Nazareth was the fulfillment is not a supposed conflict between physical and spiritual conceptions of God’s kingdom, but includes both the spiritual sense of Christ reigning in the heart dispelling darkness, and in the physical sense of Christ ultimate reign over everything that exists. As in the Messiah’s chorus, “The Lord God omnipotent reigneth, and He shall reign forever and ever.”